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Galactic Light Codes


Galactic Light Codes Monthly 2017-06-01T15:35:42-08:00

Galactic Light Code Monthly

Work with a new code every month!

New Galactic Light Code & Language of Light Activation

Work with a new code every month.

What's Included?

Every month the guides suggest a new area of focus that is needed in the collective. You’ll have access to a new Galactic Light Code and Language of Light Activation that supports this energy.

Live Monthly Webinar

with Channeling by The Ps & Additional Language of Light Activations

What if I can't make it?

Dates and times vary month to month. If you can’t make a live event, not to worry. It will be recorded and made available within 48 hours.

Facebook Group

Connect with Others

Would You Like to Connect?

We have a private Facebook group for those who are interested in connecting with others who are also working with the Galactic Light Codes. Wendy will be checking in periodically to see how everyone is doing.
(Participation is optional.)

What Exactly Are Galactic Light Codes?

Galactic Light Codes are energetic symbols that convey the frequencies of lightsoundsacred geometry, and cosmic information.  They contain within their coding The Language of Light, which is a universal language understood by all life. These symbols bypass the traditional language centers of the brain and are read and interpreted by you, The Divine Being of Light, having a physical experience. The Galactic Light Codes contain information and wisdom that assists you in shifting the frequency of your subtle energy body. These codes help you to release your resonance with limiting thoughts and beliefs and align with the frequency of your divine nature.  Like being shown a shortcut to your destination on a map, these codes assist with accelerating your personal process of integration.

How do the Galactic Light Codes Benefit Me?

The beauty of the Galactic Light Codes is that there is nothing to “figure out”. The codes bypass the ego mind and speak directly to you, The Divine Being of Light. The codes simply help you to realign your frequency to match your original divine blueprint.

Unlike many of today’s healing modalities, you do not need to know why you may have chosen a lower frequency in the past, what limiting beliefs you are currently holding, or what needs to be “healed”. The future is generated from your current frequency. You can not change the past; you can only change your perspective of the past by altering your frequency in the present moment. The Galactic Light Codes help you to do just that.

While these codes may look rather innocuous, those who have worked with the codes have found them to be quite potent. In today’s world, we are heavily focused on the masculine energy and the “doing” state. These codes help us to work first on our state of “being” so that when we do take action, it is taken with a higher level of consciousness that supports our well-being and our service to others.

Here’s How It Works…

At the beginning of every month you’ll have a new Galactic Light Code and Language of Light Activation with which to work. Wendy’s guides select the codes based on the needs of those participating in the group as well as the issues that collective consciousness is struggling with that participants may be challenged by. The codes and activations will allow you to easily align with higher frequencies and perspectives.

The new code will be available online. We will also send you an email reminder as each code becomes available. Each release includes:

  • A new light code as it is given to Wendy by her guides (It is recommended to work with each light code for a 10-15 minutes at least 3 times a day for 3 days)
  • A short affirmation and/or meditation to enhance the code
  • A short language of light activation

Every month there will be a 60 minute live webinar. The date for the live webinar will vary every month, and we will announce the date in advance with at least 30 days notice. Each webinar will include:

  • Channeling by Wendy and her guides
  • A Language of Light Activation
  • Q&A on the Galactic Light Codes as time permits
  • Can’t make it live? No problem. The recording will be available within 48 hours


Register Now!

Here’s What People Are Saying About Working With The Codes…

What Shifts People Experienced Working with The Galactic Light Codes…

“I am living more in the now moment; I worry less. I am more proactive in my business, more creative, and more active. I experience more self-love.”

“I am less fearful and resistant to situations I have never before handled well.”

“I have easier access to higher frequencies in my life.”

“I have gained an expanded awareness of subtle programs running in my subconscious and now have the clarity and confidence to change what doesn’t help me.”

“I notice that it is easier to return to my grounded place. I feel like old habits that do not serve me are falling away, and when I notice myself falling into them again, I feel much less judgment.”

“I have felt more in touch with myself and my intuition/guidance.”

Frequently Asked Questions

The live webinars will vary from month to month. Our first meeting will be February 18th at 10am US Pacific. If you need help in converting the time to your location, please visit  You can use Los Angeles, CA for US Pacific time.

If you can’t make a live webinar, that’s not a problem. The webinars will be recorded and made available to you within 48 hours.

You will have access to all the material for the month until the end of the following month with a valid subscription. (i.e. February’s material will be available until the end of March). All codes, activations, and MP3s of the live webinar are available for download. You’ll want to be sure to download the material so that you may continue working with the codes beyond the month.

It is recommended that you work with each code for 10-15 minutes 3 times a day for 3 days.

You determine the rate at which you process information. You will not experience anything that you aren’t ready to at the soul level.

First and foremost, Wendy will be channeling The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective. They will be the primary group to bring through the information. Other celestial beings may also blend their energy with The Pleiadian Collective as we discuss different topics.

Everyone’s experience is different with each code. If you are strongly aligned with the energy represented by the code, you may have an intense attraction or aversion to the symbols. It is also possible that while you may not have a strong reaction to your initial encounter with a code, you may experience a more subtle shift in your energy over time.


Register Now!

Wendy Kennedy

Wendy Kennedy is an intuitive, empath, and channel. For two decades she has used her gifts and abilities to work with beings in other realms and dimensions, assisting others in recognizing and releasing old patterns and helping them to live a more whole and integrated life. The clear and compassionate wisdom shared through Wendy facilitates a shift in perspective from that of separation and limitation to connection and multidimensional existence.

In 1995 Wendy began channeling, working first with her own angelic guides before becoming reacquainted with The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, whom she primarily channels at her public events and in private sessions. In addition to the Pleiadians, she works with beings from Sirius, Lyra, and Arcturus as well as other higher dimensional, celestial beings.

Wendy currently lectures and channels for clients around the world. She was one of the six channels featured in the movie and book Tuning in: Spirit Channelers in America. Her work is also featured in the book, The Great Human Potential: Walking in One’s Own Light, which is now available in six languages.

For more information about Wendy and her work, please visit